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Welcome to the Journey!

For all who live, serve, or occasionally engage in complicated mixed-signal settings, this website is for you. Check out the twice-weekly blog posts, as well as the resources, books, and other services we offer.

To better understand what it means to “journey in the borderlands,” please read on.

Mountain Stock Photos by Vecteezy

Do you find yourself caught between your comfort zone and less familiar landscapes? The catchword for such frontiers these days is liminal – a space of ambiguity, of transition, something on the margins, the edge … the borderlands.

I like the word “borderlands.”

Borderlands are spaces where cultures, philosophies, and values engage, intersect, clash. These spaces – whether physical, spiritual, mental, or psychosocial in nature – are at once energizing and exhausting. They are where you find yourself outside of your comfort zone, outside of your default habitat. Like a fish out of water. Like a cow over the moon. Like a prophet inside a giant fish.

Maybe you feel called to the borderlands of life. Or maybe you just find yourself where you’d rather not be. In this age of increased polarization and instant communication among contrasting peoples, it is easy to wind up out of your depth, on the edge, in a cantina as discombobulating as the Mos Eisley.

You may be blue in a red state or red in a blue, a British refugee in Rwanda, an evangelical at a Freedom from Religion gathering, or an 80-year-old among a pack of middle schoolers. Whatever you sense: you are in but not of.

This website is dedicated to serving you as you journey through the borderlands of modern life, helping you navigate when familiar markers are missing. Sometimes we just need a coach, a guide. Having spent a lifetime in many different borderlands, I’m here to help you find the markers.

My name is Howard Kenyon and I am your guide. Along the way I’ve come to like the borderland sojourn, to realize that maybe the liminal spaces really are where I’m called to serve. My Pentecostal roots tell me this world is not my home and, when I feel alienated, I have to remind myself that I am not home yet. Yet maybe, just maybe, I really am at home living the incarnational, transcultural life to its fullest.

Are you ready to link up with a fellow sojourner? Make this website your home away from home. Sign up here so you don’t miss any posts. Chime in on the comments sections. Check out the resources and services. And tell any fellow sojourners you meet that they are welcome by our fire anytime.

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